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Grow with the Flow of Hearing Gods Voice

  • 3 Steps


For many Christians, coming to Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit in a childlike way to hear his voice, receive encouragement, affirmation, direction and love is something that is longed for and considered to be a vital part of our growth. There are many however who struggle to access this flow from God and long to move in greater freedom and confidence in connecting with him, hearing him clearly and making this a part of their daily lives. Rachel has had the joy of leading many into a deeper connection with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit through online retreats, one to one coaching and a group coaching programme. These have a special emphasis in helping Gods children to tap into their dream idea, desires from God and the purpose that he has for them . However before this the crucial stage of growing in confidence to flow in hearing his voice is something that needs to be taken hold of. ( I put it this way as it is most definitely there for the taking!) This 75 minute workshop will cover teaching around different aspects of hearing from God, encouraging testimonies and most importantly some experiential time for you to hear his voice for yourself. Rachel has a background as a Midwifery Lecturer, has pioneered two large God ideas and has training in the London school of supernatural ministry and Co -transformational Destiny Coaching . Her passion is to see Christians released to flow confidently in their God given ideas and desires and to so bring a bit more heaven to earth

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Grow with the Flow of Hearing Gods Voice

Grow with the Flow of Hearing Gods Voice

Private32 Members


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