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Writer's pictureRachel Redfearn

Are you desperate to know Gods will for 2022?

The start of the new year is so often a time of intensive prayer for many Christians who want to know more of God and to walk in his ways.

This is of course wonderful but I want to take a minute to ask the question-what is behind this seeking?

If some of you are honest you may have a part of you that is motivated by fear. 'I don't want to waste another year.' 'I don't want to get off track.' 'I don't want to miss his perfect will.'

Others may be seeking out of a sense of inadequacy. 'I must do better this year,' 'I must achieve more, hear God more, or understand more of his purpose.' Nothing wrong with that you say! Read on!

Others may be seeking him out of a sense of duty and the passion and fire of serving him has long been doused out by disappointment, weariness and loss.

I want to remind you of a few things that you probably already know!! Its funny that we often need that, myself included!

  • His perfect Love gets rid of all fear,1 John 4 v 18

  • When filled with his love you have more than enough and are in fact filled with all the fullness of God Ephesians 3 v 19

  • His loving kindness is better than life -Psalm 63 v 3. Loving kindness means giving oneself fully with love and compassion. He gives himself to you fully with love and compassion.

If you have walked as a Christian for a while you will 'know' that Father God is a loving heavenly father and that Jesus is the lover of our souls, however how often do we allow this to be the case?

I was reminded again in this new year that more than anything he wants my heart.

But what exactly does this mean?

  • He wants me to take time out to deeply receive this love and acceptance. I am a new creation and he delights in me just as I am

  • From this place of acceptance he wants me to hear his heart for myself and for the world around me . Much like the picture in Revelation 3v20, he wants to eat with us, dwell with us, share his heart with us.

So as we turn to him in this new year, let us all remember that it is from this place of fullness and completeness in him that we have much to receive from our loving Lord. Much love, much wisdom, much direction. And he is sooo ready to give it and to have you dwell close to his heart.

I would like to invite you to watch this free workshop on Growing with the flow of hearing Gods voice or to contact me here if you would like to ask any questions

Many blessings as you turn your heart to him in love.


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