I want to take a moment to put a spotlight on a very special group of Christian workers that I coach Christian Community project workers. Many of these wonderful guys will have been working tirelessly coordinating volunteers, managing Christmas programs and multi-tasking at a level we may not appreciate. Let me introduce you to Sue Ferret who will describe her coaching journey and how coaching has helped her in her busy role of managing a local foodbank and Church Community hub
Many like Sue need to take time out to hear God for themselves and their teams. They need to step away from the demands, and intentionally make space to debrief, invite God to speak, and take the time to listen to him. The coaching tools used provide wonderfully creative ways to do just that. In a coaching relationship, the tools are flexible, relevant to the situation and sensitive to the coachee's needs.
So maybe you run an organisation that employs workers like Sue, or maybe you know someone who would benefit or maybe you are a multitasking dynamic Christian project manager like Sue who needs time to stop, take stock, and create space to hear God for yourself and your team.
I would love to hear from you so click on the link below to learn a bit more or just get in touch.