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Writer's pictureRachel Redfearn

Seeing with the eyes of faith when all looks lost - Christian coaching can unlock God's vision for your hopes and dreams

When everything is condensed into one sentence the reason behind my coaching is that Impossible dreams are possible when we partner with God and that by faith we can see his vision for our lives and pull it down from heaven to earth.

And faith sure is what we need when bleak is all we can see!

My Garden, my joy, my love was under attack!

Since last September things had started to go horribly wrong and destruction started to hit. It started when my cherry tree began to droop its leaves. The tree that usually blossomed beautifully every year since my now 26 year old daughter planted it as a toddler, was now droopy and deseased. It was confirmed to me by a tree specialist who offered to cut it back for £500-'No thanks' I thought and went about minimizing damage by calling in friends to prune it back as a last ditch attempt.

Next came the shed or should I say "shack" which became an isaw on the landscape of my garden for the next 5 months. It began as a kind gesture from my neighbour to say thankyou for enduring her 9 month extension build (lovely neighbour) and ended up with a disastrous structure which was neither built skillfully or according to instructions! It has been described as shreks hut. amongst other things and every time I looked out from my kitchen window it made me feel sad and that everything about my beloved garden was now wrong. What was meant to be a gift turned into a huge mess that threatened to stay there forever taunting me as I had the unfortunate view of it through my kitchen window

My place of pleasure, creativity and space was now dismal, ugly and oppressive. NOT COOL!

My attention turned to Christmas preparation and family matters and yet I knew come the new year the problem would still be there.

Now I have at my heart a faith that God is good and that he uses all things so I had a new resolve to seek him for my garden and rather than accepting things as they were (pretty messed up!) I decided to ask him how he wanted me to pray about and see these things.

I sensed him saying to pray and speak over my garden that it would be a place of pleasure for me and for others.

I managed to squeak this prayer out and allowed myself to do some scrolling of gardens and sheds etc to get my hopes up again. Then came an important point where I realised in my searching that I didn't want another shed but instead a garden summer house!

This new found desire lead me to find a miraculously cheap summer house

which simply should not have been possible. So for £100 I aquired a beautiful 8 by 6 cedar wood Summer house which was installed by a faithful friend and to use the word pleasure would be an understatement!

And it looks to me like the cherry tree is starting to form buds at last too.

Summer house-ready for Christian coaching
Summer house

As I describe the shift in my garden I am reminded of a line in the song Mercy by Amanda Cook

"from death to life from wrong to right-your making all things beautiful"

And how did the shift come? With two questions

  • Lord what do you want to say over my garden?


  • What do I want for my garden?

You see he not only wants to speak his word over our situations but he also wants to know what our dreams are for them too. He loves to partner with us in the business of pulling down heaven to earth

The online Christian coaching 'Dreaming with God' retreat that I previously ran gave over 150 people a chance to do just that a couple of years back and the recordings and worksheets are still available now.

So if you long to hear his word over your life or a situation and also to tap into your God given desire that he has placed within you- there can be a shift ahead for you too

The Retreat bundle can be purchased below and includes a 1hr Christian coaching session with me after you have completed the 5 recorded sessions and the worksheets. Unbelievably its actually cheaper than the usual cost of a coaching session now THAT'S a bargain!

Christian coaching space
Inside the summer house

And finally the new summer house? A place a pleasure? You bet! And if you are local to London I plan to offer in person Christian coaching in this new miracle space. Please contact me for more information

Blessings! And as Alan Titchmarsh would say in the UK 'Enjoy your garden!'


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