I have been reflecting a lot recently on the tension between things not being as we want them to be, and the invitation for us to come forward to ask and receive from God what he wants to give us and to step into the new place he wants us to step into at this time.
We can often hesitate to press in to receive from God because of the fear of disappointment and frustration." I cant face another let down, I know God wants more but I am not sure that he will come through for me, so I am best off just ticking along."
Or we feel bemused by the increase in tension in us that there must be more than this in our Christian life and our world and yet we are not sure what to do with it and how to come to him with it,
Just the other day I had a picture and a strong sense. The picture was of a large wooden door which the Lord wanted me to bow low in front of and to knock and wait and trust.
The sense was that this is a season of humbling ourselves to wait and trust in his ancient promises and to be seeking and knocking.
In my Christian coaching, during the God encounters we do a lot of asking and expecting God to speak into the questions that we bring. And he does, and he touches our hearts time after time. However the sense I had at this time was of waiting before a closed door and knocking and waiting.
Now I am NOT a theologian however I was super excited when I stumbled over the root meaning of the word testimony which in Hebrew is Ay-dooth. As it is broken down it contains different syllables. Theologians have unpacked for us that it means 'Do it again', which means that every time we meditate on a testimony we are asking the Lord to Do it again and inviting heaven to join in and repeat the miracle, good story or whatever.
I also discovered as I looked at the Hebrew Lexicon (don't be too impressed!) that within the word Ay-dooth are the letters O and D which together mean See the Door.
This really grabbed my attention and whether this is significant for others or not it made my heart skip, realising that the longing and tension to see more of his Glory breaking through takes us to the Door of Ancient Testimonies which he wants us to knock on.
Could it be that he hides behind those testimonies, that he wants us to dwell on stories of how he has broken through in that area that we long for breakthrough in. To spend time reading about revival, or testimonies of healing or others encounters of the Lord, restored marriages, children coming to faith...fill in the blank.
And as we do, and as we hear the good reports and our faith rises it opens the door for... Yes you guessed it.... Our almighty God to Do it again in our day.
So if you have a longing to see him move in a particular way or you have a tension within you why not stop and ask yourself... What am I longing to see? And whatever that is take time to read about testimonies where this has happened and to focus on those. In doing this you will be knocking on the door for him to Do it again
I would like to share this recording of a FREE Workshop I ran called Growing with the flow of hearing Gods voice which is there to help those who long to move forward more freely in hearing Gods voice.
I also offer a range of coaching for those who are longing to Grow and move forward in their purpose and to grow in their confidence in hearing God and doing what he says .
Do get in touch.. I would love to hear from you